Monday, May 3, 2010

I am a...

I am a mustang
Black as
a midnight sky
run as fast as the wind
rear as high as the mountain tops
I can
be as powerful as love
I can
be as free as the life that surrounds me
I am
a mustang

This week's theme is...
The way you do this poem is as follows-

Line 1:  I am a(an) write the name of an animal here
Line 2: Colour as a(an) compare the colour to something else

Line 3: I verb describe something your animal does
Line 4: I verb describe something else your animal does
Line 5: I can describe something your animal is able to do well
Line 6: I can describe something else your animal can do well
Line 7: I am repeat animal from line 1

That's all! Now get your brain thinking, take the button, and link UP!!