Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blog Party

1) What's your all time favourite blog/blogger? My all time fave must have been HorseFeathers. I know Olive Tree isn't here anymore, but I greatly enjoyed reading her blog!

2) How do you personally define forgiveness? I define forgiveness as when someone truly means sorry when they say it, and the person who is forgiving, truly means it, and accepts the apology, and has no harsh feelings.

3) What object of your possession has the most sentimental value in your eyes? Oh my.... this is a hard one..... It must be this wooden little duck, that was once my uncles.... :(

4) What song do you consider your personal theme song?
OMG! THANKKKK-YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS! haha. it's Wild Horse by Natasha Bedingfield. :D It is EVERYTHING that I would like to do! Sooooo me!

5) Do the opinions of others about you really matter to you? No, not really. No and ya in a way. If It's someone I HATE, then no. If it's someone I like, then ya. :)

6) Do you ever make up words? Not really. lol. I did make up Poshish. Pish and Posh together! :D

7) Off the top of your head, do you know what your middle name means? (You can look it up though! :) Nope. I don't. But I'll look it up. lol. It means... My middle name means "To Tie". lol

8) What's s something that never fails to make you smile? Hmmm.... well I guess it could be Aladdin. Though, I do sometimes get mad or frustrated with him, I always smile around him, because I love him a lot.

9) What person has touched your heart the most?*sigh* My uncle Mark. That's all I'm gonna say.

10) Give a scene in a book where you really understood what the author was trying to convey. Umm... I don't really remember anything.... and I don't really feel like rooting through my dozens of books. :)

11) What do you think of HTML? Is it the ENEMY or your friend? Hmm.... sort of both. :/ More enemy though. :)

12) What person comments the most consistently on your blog? Umm... my followers all sort of comment about the same. :/

13) Who is your personal hero/heroine (fiction or real, or both) ? Why? *groans* Why do you ask me these things! I wrote my hero project on my uncle Mark, so I would have to say him, again. :) I chose him, because he just cared so much...

14) Are you curious or are you satisfied knowing that "that's just the way it is"? Huh?

15) List the your top 5 favorite songs. Do they have anything in common? Why do you love them? 1. Wild Horses by Natasha Bedingfield 2. Terrified by Kara Dioguardi 3. If I Had You by Adam Lambert 4. Dear Vienna by Owl City. 5. Perfect by Hedley Nope. Nothing really in common. I just really love how they sound. lol

16) Do you ever get into arguments with...your characters? (that's if you write a book :). And if you don't write, do you think you would? Well, I do write. And I guess I sort of do. I'm trying to write a new novel, and my character is scared of water. But I want her to go on a sailboat for like, a month. lol. You'll hear more about this book later on. The character(a horse) is on the sidebar. But that's not the girl! lol

17) While reading a book or watching a movie, were you ever blown away by an unexpected plot twist? What was it and how did you react? *sigh* Can't think of any! Sorry, there's just tooooo many books and movies out there! I guess I could give an example. Back in 2009, around November? Ya around there, I read this book called "Tempted" Well, at the end of the book, the main character DIES. And that's the 6th book, but there's a 7TH book!!!!

18) What's your personal opinion of i-designs? (original, I know, but I really want to know! :) I think it's pretty good. Great tutorials, great designs!

19) What's your favourite color combinations? Ohhh. I like blue and green. :D

20) What's your favourite comic book series? I love the Manga seires Vampire Knight. That's about the only comic/manga I read! Other then the Warriors Mangas/Comics. hah

21) What is the oldest book you've read? How old was it? (By old, I mean, like antique books...the manuscript doesn't have to be old, just the copy of it. :) Umm.... I don't really know...

22) What character in any movie or book, would you say is the MOST like you? *shakes head* I don't know! Why do you torture me!? Well, I guess I would have to say... the girl from my own book. lol.MORE LATER.

23) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I-I don't know. Maybe the fact that I need jaw surgery... Ya. That. :)

24) As a child, what was one thing that always frightened you? This could be something real or imagined! :) *shudders* Once, at night, I was awake, and I looked to my door, and there were GLOWING GREEN EYES in my doorway! They were up high, like an average male, it freaked me out sooo badly, and it STIL does! *cowers*

25) What's your life motto? I have a lot. They're on my sidebar. But I have a few faves-

~"There comes a point in every rider's life when he wonders if it's all worth it. Then one look at the horse, and he realizes - it is."
Kelly Stewart

~"If I had a horse, I’d ride off in the sunset, where dreams, and shadows lie. To a life, where pain and sorrow don’t exist, and to where hopes, and dreams become reality."
-Author Unknown

~"If my horse were to die today, i wouldn’t care, cause i would die with him."
-Author Unknown

 ~"Thoroughbreds aren't my whole life...they make my LIFE WHOLE!"
-Author Unknown

~"The life of a horse-rider, leaning on wings."

Haha, I have A LOT.

26) As you're sitting in café, you're given a note: "It's in your best interests to meet me at 7 P.M. tonight, alone, at Pine and 4th." How would you react? Ummm.... I would FREAK out, thinking someone was gonna kill me...

27) Name seven of your favourite books. War Horse, A Dog's Life, Edgar Sawtelle, Kazan(father of Baree), Baree(Son of Kazan), Warrior Cats Series,Chosen by a Horse

28) Name your absolute favourite font (you can have more than one though)! I like Cheyenne. :) But that's not my fave. lol. I'm not thinking right now. :)

29) Have you ever cried over...a book or a movie? Oh yes. I cried when Bluestar's(Bluefur at the time) sister, Snowfur, died.It was just soo sad how Bluestar(fur) reacted! :(

30) What's something that's brought you so much comfort? Aladdin. :) When I'm cantering, or just around him,I feel perfect...

31) Describe what you would call a perfect moment. Galloping on Aladdin forever, and ever, and ever....

32) What's the fastest you've ever read? Probably in about 2-4 hours. :)

33) What's your favorite book/movie genre? Fiction, Fantasy. :)

34) Do you say one word a lot just because of the way it sounds? If so, what's the word? Nope, not really. :)

35) What's something you thought you'd hate, but ended up loving? Ohhh. Probably... I thought I would hate guitar, but it's pretty good. I don't take lessons. But someone came to our school just to each us a little bit. it was quite fun. :)

36)Do you prefer British or American spellings of words (ex: the British favourite to the American favorite) Umm... Well, I use The CANADIAN version, which has the "U"'s in some words. So I'm use to that....

37) List a few of your favourite names. Haha. Casey, that's sort of all, other then my own, which I shall not name...

38) What is your favourite movie? The new Star Trek and Avatar. Older movies, Milo and Otis. :)

39) Imagine you're writing a story, and one of your characters keeps something buried in a box where no one will find it. What's in the box and what's its significance? Umm... Well, in the box could be a very powerful stone or something. And it needs to be protected. *shrugs* lol

40) Was this boring? (be honest! :) Nope. I thought it was fun!