Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tag from The Cornet Crazie!

The "Three's Tag"!

I have to put three characters that I like!

#1.   Jayfeather from the Warriors by Erin Hunter

I think this picture is SO cool!

 I also like this picture!
 Interesting Facts???
1.Jayfeather is one of the "Three".
2.Jayfeather is able to sense other cats emotions.
3.Jayfeather is blind and is a medicine cat.
#2.   White Fang from the book White Fang by Jack London

Interesting Facts???

1.White Fang is the son of a half-wolf,half-dog,Kiche.
2.White Fang is the only surviving pup out of the litter.
3.White Fang becomes attached and the "pet" of a nice guy named Weedon Scott.

#3    Squirrel from A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin.

Interesting Facts???

1.Squirrel and her brother,Bone,are the only surviving pups.
2.Squirrel and Bone get dumped by a mall after two people took care of them.
3.Squirrel lives the rest of her life with a elderly women,Susan,who names Squirrel,Addie.

I Tag:

Anyone who loves Chocolate Covered- Strawberries!



Emma said...

Thank you! Oh and I do love Choco Strawberries!!!!

Silverstar said...


Check out the Cat-History contest that is going on in...

This blog...
