Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Thanks Elránia for the tag and award!

Here are the Rules:
1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2) Share "ten honest things" about myself.
3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4) Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

1.I LOVE Aladdin with all of my heart!

2. I love horses!
3. I love to write short stories!
4. I love to read and that's why I love writing!

5.  I have been riding for 2 years now!
6.  My friend and I are writing a book right now!
7. My best friend is the horse I ride, Aladdin!

8. I have a birthmark around my left eye.
9. Everyone always asks what happened to my eye, when it is really a birthmark!
10.  I really want a horse when I am older!

I award:
1) Delaney
2) M
3) Sunshiney Day 
4) Beebuzz
5) Floppyj;10
6) Flaming Wolf
7) Silverstar


мιяαи∂α♥ said...

Go to

For an award!

Bekah said...

Ah, Dreamstar, when you invite me to be an author (*smacks forehead* TOTALLY forgot!!), I can't edit the html. Either remove me, or send me ALL of the html.
Thanks! :]


Bekah said...

I removed myself...just send me all the html.


Bekah said...

When I was an author, it published my comment immediately, but now that I'm off it doesn't, so the comment you'll moderate doesn't make sense till you read the one on the honest scrap award post :D


☪Dream said...

Ya you can. I will send it again. But I really wanted you to do it on Moonlight Creations.

And here.

I will send it again.

Freddi Bonsai said...

Sorry people were making fun of you! I've gotten used to people calling me pimple-face cause of my acne, but they've sorta stopped except for a few kids. =(

Freddi Bonsai said...

I didn't relize there! Thanks!! =))

Bekah said...

Okay, just send me the WHOLE html code, okay? To my email. *laughs* sorry about all the confusion!
