Saturday, June 26, 2010


I feel empty. Really empty. I try my hardest. I feel like I don't know my own life. My own thoughts. I'm empty, because school is ending June 30th, and it breaks my heart. I won't have my friends. I won't smile as often as, my smiles will be at school, where I smile the most, all cause of one person. One, single person. The person who brightens my world... Who I know would make me smile, no matter how down I am.

*sighs* Yes, you could say I'm [love]struck. *rolls eyes* Have you ever felt so empty, when you feel like there's no hope? Like, you want to keep going, but you know it ends? Life sometimes presents emptiness. But sometimes, you gotta see the colour in it.

(I did not take the picture with the water.)


Bekah said...

The post made me cry. Half of my problems are because of guys, too. Sometimes I hate guys. But I couldn't really live without them.

Just realize that this guy, no matter how much you like him, shouldn't make you feel depressed...I realized that way too late.

I'll be praying for you.

Alex Maria said...

Yes, you're not alone. I've felt like that mulitple times. You just gotta go with the flow...

MadiShae said...

I totally get you. I also miss my best friends. I've only seen one this summer, but he went to China and he's not back yet. :(

☪Dream said...

Thanks you three.... it's just, a few people think he likes me back... and well,He sits, like, RIGHT, across from me. So I talk to him everyday.... and I'll just miss school...

MadiShae said...

Yeah. In 3rd grade. I had a crush on my best friend and everyone thoought he liked me back. we just shrugged and acted normal.