Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thanks Astyria

I am also thanking Astyria again because she is going to help me make some stuff on photoshop.I tried photoshop and it wouldn't work!Also after further realization I have found out that my wolf spirit is a black wolf!A black wolf's personality is exactly like mine!"If you are not alone,you are the leader or doing all the fighting.That is really like me!I always feel like a leader.And I want to be a leader!Yay spirit animals!


enjoy the silence said...

mine is a gray fox sly,cunning,and skilled climber,yet there is always wolves witch is an know you can always have 2 spirt animals at a time...even a thunderbird if your lucky.

☪Dream said...

Okay...I know you can have more then one spirit animal.But I don't think you can have a thunderbird because there is no such thing!I beleive my other spirit animal is a bald eagle or just an eagle!

enjoy the silence said...
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enjoy the silence said...

see witch kind of spirit animal(shadow,journey,etc.)

Anonymous said...

Not to be contradictory but there are a LOT more spirit animals than that. Spirit animals are ALL animals, and you have all of them inside you- just some are more prominent (for example, I am an Osprey.)

Anonymous said...

But generally that's a good site! I like how they explain that you can't choose your totem:

"You do not choose an animal guide as your personal spirit guide. The animal chooses you and they decide to whom they will reveal themselves and make their friend. Do not fall into the trap of saying, “Gosh, I think the wolf is a smart, good looking and powerful animal, so the wolf will become my animal guide.” It does not work this way."

enjoy the silence said...

i know...

☪Dream said...

I know.Just the black wolf is strogest I think

Freddi Bonsai said...

Black wolf is just as strong as gray. My two are the red wolf and the raven.

☪Dream said...

No.I mean that the black wolf is my strongest animal spirit!I know it is just as strong as other wolves.