Saturday, December 19, 2009

COOL tag from Emma!

 Thanks Emma for the tag!

1. Say something random: "Dogs have wavy tails and big fat paws for doing nothing!"

2. Yell something random, out loud: "PICKLES!"

3. Do you play an instrument? NOPE

4. What's your full name? Casey Dryer here on the internet! If you must know, my middle name is Rebecca!

5. What do you think of blogger? I love blogger! it's so much fun and a great way to tell stuff about your life, or just do anything!

6. What do you think of this tag? It's cool

7. What's your opinion on Christian rock bands? Huh?

8. If you answered yes on #3 have you ever messed up while playing in front of people? Nope! Don't play an instrument! =D

9. What's something that you've always wanted to do but haven't?  Ride a horse, galloping, at night all by myself....Of course this is ONLY a fantasy! I would be to scared to actually do it! :S

10. How many bloggers do you know in real life? Two! Miranda and Driftstar!

11. Have you ever played bloody knuckles? What is THAT! I don't think I want to....

12. Have you ever caught a sockeye Salmon? no....

13. Have you ever played funky angel? no....

14. Tell us about your worst accident? Nothing really.....

15. Rant about what ever you've been holding in? I'm can't think of anything....

16. Do you like caroling? Nope.

17. Where do you live? My wonderful home of course!

18. Do you like it where you live? Yes! Yes I do!

19. What was your most recent adventure? Ummm.....Cant think of any??

20. Luke or Vader? Not a big Star Wars fan. Ya, I like one movie. But*shrugs* haven't been too interested...

21. Do you like the Obama administration? Don't really care and don't really know...I live in Canada so....

22. Dance par-tee or music brawl? ummm....

23. What Number is this? ummm....23....

24. What is two + 2? quatre


26. What would you do to see wild horses? EVERYTHING! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!  LET ME SEE THEM RIGHT NOW!!

27. What is the best joke you can think of right now? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Wheeee! LAME

28. Do you have a secret blog? Yes. The blog about......blahblahblahblah!.

29. Do you know what a Granny beaded neck is? no.....

30. PC or laptop? Don't really care....but truthfully I'm not that fond of laptops...!

31. Click 5 or Switchfoot? Huh??!!

32. How many siblings do you have? One. My brother who is 15.

33. Do you have a favorite game? Ummm....what do you mean by "game"? Like a sport?!

34. Name the rockiest Christian band you know: ...

35. What does J.O.Y. stand for? Joy Over Yonder!

36. Are you a member of J.O.Y? Ummm....

37. Have you ever fell a tree with a chainsaw? no....

38. Favorite song? How about the top two? okay.... 1. Wild Horses-Natasha Bedingfeild   2. Breathless-Shayne Ward     

39. Insert funny/random picture here: LINK

I tag:
