Saturday, November 28, 2009

I Got Snow! (+Three Movie reviews+40 Q tag!)

Yay! Did you notice something a little different when you cam on? Did you see little white dots? Don't you worry! Nothing is wrong with your computer! But it is snowing here on W.O.A.H.!! Isn't it beautiful? And it shows up GREAT! Because my background is gray....LOL! Have fun watching a snowstorm pass through!


Yesterday I saw Old Dogs. This movie is about two man, Dan and Charlie. Dan finds out that he has kids, and he has to look after them for two weeks. Charile helps Dan with the two kids.
This movie was very good! VERY funny! I would SOOOO see it again! Lots and lots of funny parts that will have you laughing through out the whole movie!

Rated-PG for some mild/rude humourStars-★★★★★★★★★:★★★★★★★★★★

There you have it! I gave it 9 stars out of 10 stars!

  A few days ago I saw Up by Disney/Pixar. This movie is about an old man who wanted to fulfill his deceased wife's dream, to live above a waterfall in a secret place. A boy scout tags along with the man, and they run into many troubles along the way. They also make many new friends that they will keep.

This movie was good. A few humourous parts, but well  done and, overall a good movie


There you have it! I gave it 9 stars out of 10 stars.

A few days ago I saw Four Christmas's.This movie is about a couple who both have divorced parents. On Christmas they always make excuses at why they can't visit at Christmas. But one year it doesn't work and they have to go to four different houses, families, and Christmas's all in one day.

This movie was sort of good. Very predictable though. Had some funny parts, but I wouldn't see it again.

Rated-PG-13 for some sexual language and humour.

There you have it! I gave it 6 and a half stars out of 10 stars. Not very good.

40 Question TAG

1- Have you been asked out? Nope.

2 - Where was your default picture taken? In the bathroom...

3 - What's your middle name? Rebecca

4 - Your current relationship status? Singleeee! I want to be!

5 - What's the first thing you do when you wake up from a nap? I don't nap. Maybe if I'm extremely tired or some medicine has wiped me out. But I don't know what I do...

6 - What is your current mood? Annoyed because of my cough.

7 - What color shirt are you wearing? Green pajama top with little duckies and snow duckies! Warm and c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e!

8 - Missing something? Yes I am! My uncle....(don't say anything about this Zara.....)

9 - Current Favorite Quote? ....But sometimes fears come crashing down, and you can't take it anymore.

10 - If you could go back in time and change something what would it be? If I could change one thing....I would stop my uncle from dying...(don't say anything about this either Zara!)

11 - If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be? A wild horse that is unknown and isn't being chased by a helicopter or some kind of predator. Just a secret, beautiful, horse, living in a gorgeous land...*sighs*

12 - Ever had a near death experience? Yes! I almost drowned!

13 - Something you do a lot? Read, write, and LOVE Aladdin!

14 - The song stuck in your head? Whataya Want From Me

15 - Least favorite household chore? Vacuuming(or cleaning my room. Yep. Cleaning my room is definitely the worst! LOL!) 

16 - Name someone with the same birthday as you- Jay Leno!

17 - When was the last time you cried? Two nights ago because of my bro.

18- Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? NOOOO!!!

19 - If you could have one super power what would it be? Flying....

20 - What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender? Stupidity

21 - What do you usually order from Starbucks? Nothing. But my mom orders a chocolate/banana Vivanno 

22 - What's your biggest secret? Not saying....

23- What's your favorite color? BLUE!

24 - Do you still watch kiddie shows or TV shows? Ya. Sort of if I'm bored.

25 - What's on your walls? stuff.....

26 - What are you? Human....

27 - Do you speak any other language? Sort of french....but not really well...

28 - What's your favorite smell? Horse Barn(or chocolate covered strawberries)

29 - Describe your life in one word. Ummmmm.....I don't know....

30 - Have you ever kissed in the rain? NOOO....Ewww

31 - What are you thinking about right now? Talking to my friend and trying to process everything that she is saying while trying to type.

32 - What should you be doing? Homework

33 - Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? My brother.

34 - How often do you talk to God? Do you mean prayers? Everyday at school, but not on weekends.
35 - Do you like working in the yard? If it's with horses...sure!

36 - If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? I like my last name now. =)

37 - What is your natural hair color? Brown

38 - Do you have many friends? Yes

39 - Who is your role-model? I don't know....My uncle.....

40 - Do you like your life? Yes!!!


мιяαи∂α♥ said...

Cool! How did you get the snow? Just wondering if I could use it when I do my Christmas make over!